promote health and well-being

About Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy aims to maintain and promote health and well-being by determining possible nutritional imbalances in the body and addressing how these may be impacting on an individual’s health concerns and symptoms. Registered Nutritional Therapists use a variety of tools and techniques, based on scientific, evidence-based research, to address imbalances and support the individual’s body in maintaining health.

Nutritional Therapists recognise that each person has a unique set of requirements and preferences which are considered when developing personalised nutrition and lifestyle recommendations, specific to the individual’s nutritional needs, to support wellness and optimise vitality.

Nutritional Therapy is a complementary therapy and is not recommended as a replacement for medical advice. Registered Nutritional Therapists, regularly work alongside their clients other health care providers. They may share information on the client’s nutritional therapy programmes and may also refer clients with any “red flag” symptoms or signs to a medical professional.

Nutritional therapy may help to:

  • Optimise digestion, absorption and detoxification
  • Support hormonal balance, emotional/psychological well-being and energy levels
  • Promote healthy immunity and tolerance to a range of foods
  • Sustain a healthy weight and skin vitality